V.D.P.M school  was founded on the  auspicious day of 15th august  1947  its founding members Smt. Kamaltai Paranjape and the late Smt  Kusumtai  Sharma devoted their  life and energy  to develop this institution . The Sanstha shares its birthday with the nation is not a co-incidence ,education in an atmosphere of freedom , without any tension is its goal . Our  Balak Mandir with just five students has now blossomed into a full fledged educational institution with over 2000 students studying in its two branches at Dharampth  and Bajajnagar campus.

Runs Nursery to Std 10th in English and lower English Medium.

Special features :

* Teaching methods – std 1st and 2nd  group teaching as well as whole class teaching individual attention is paid to exceptionally talented as well as weak students .

* Celebration of all important festivals and highlighting the lives of Indian and world famous personalities.

* Trip , camps , educational excursion of all classes  for environmental  study, special  camp of 2 days of std 6th &7th .

* Acquanting  students with important medicinal  plants & herbs .

* Special   guidance /coaching for sports & athletics.

*Computer education & science experiments for all classes.

*Display board activity teachers & students put up news and information about their collections & experiments.

*Bal Sabha is held every Saturday to develop leadership qualities and latest talent of the children.

*Project implemented and practiced by student .

*Audio –visual  aids .


*Making  useful  articles  of waste materials.

*Composting  of bio-degradable waste .

*Compulsory  participation  in cub/bulbul & scouts /guides.

*Participation in competitions in sports, quiz , science models, debates at all levels.